Management aims to control pain; no cure, but various treatments can provide relief
Trigeminal neuralgia is a neurological disorder characterized by intense, stabbing facial pain. Treatment may involve medications to control nerve impulses or, in severe cases, surgery.
Severe facial pain along the trigeminal nerve
Intense, stabbing facial pain, triggered by touch or chewing
Clinical evaluation, sometimes imaging
Variable, depends on treatment response
Sudden, severe facial pain, potential for impaired quality of life
Compression or irritation of the trigeminal nerve
Medications (anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants), surgical options (microvascular decompression)
Medications (anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants), surgical options (microvascular decompression)
Common, affects the trigeminal nerve
Lifelong management tailored to symptoms
For personalized advice and care, always seek the assistance of healthcare professionals. This information is meant for general understanding and not as a replacement for professional medical advice.