Management involves avoiding triggers and protecting the skin from sunlight; outcomes depend on the underlying cause and adherence to preventive measures
Photosensitivity refers to an abnormal reaction to sunlight or artificial light. Treatment involves sun protection measures and addressing the underlying cause.
Abnormal sensitivity to sunlight or artificial light, resulting in skin reactions
Rash, redness, itching, blisters, pain upon sun exposure
Clinical evaluation, sometimes skin tests
Generally good with sun protection and management
Skin damage, complications affecting daily activities
Genetic factors, certain medications, autoimmune conditions, infections
Sun protection measures (clothing, sunscreen), avoiding triggering medications
Sun protection measures (clothing, sunscreen), avoiding triggering medications
Abnormal sensitivity to sunlight
Sun protection, avoidance of triggering factors, sometimes medications
While the information presented here reflects the current knowledge about these conditions and treatments, it’s important to understand that individual cases may differ. Consulting with a healthcare professional is crucial for accurate information tailored to your specific needs.