Management can alleviate symptoms and improve hand function, but a complete cure may not always be achievable; outcomes depend on the severity and response to treatment
Palmar fasciitis is inflammation of the connective tissue in the palm of the hand. Treatment may involve medications and addressing the underlying cause.
Inflammation of the palmar fascia in the hand, leading to contracture and finger flexion
Palmar pain, nodules or lumps in the hand, finger contracture
Clinical examination, sometimes imaging studies
Generally good with appropriate management and treatment
Hand deformity, complications of untreated palmar fasciitis
Idiopathic (unknown cause), genetic factors, diabetes, certain medications
Physical therapy, splinting, corticosteroid injections, surgery (in advanced cases)
Physical therapy, splinting, corticosteroid injections, surgery (in advanced cases)
Inflammation of the tissue in the palm of the hand
Management focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing deformity
This information aims to provide a general understanding of the subject matter, but individual circumstances can vary significantly. Please remember to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance.