Can Neutropenia be Cured?

Disease Type:


Management focuses on addressing the underlying cause and preventing infections; outcomes depend on the specific cause and response to treatment

What is Neutropenia?

Neutropenia is a condition characterized by a low level of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell important for immune function. It can result from various causes, including medications and certain medical conditions. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may involve medications, adjustments to treatment plans, or addressing contributing factors. Close monitoring of blood counts is crucial to assess neutrophil levels and adjust interventions as needed.

Clinical Aspects


Condition characterized by a low level of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell


Increased susceptibility to infections, fever, fatigue


Blood tests, clinical evaluation


Variable, depends on the cause and response to treatment


Increased susceptibility to infections

Etiology and Treatment


Chemotherapy, certain medications, infections, bone marrow disorders, autoimmune diseases


Treatment of underlying cause, medications to stimulate white blood cell production (growth factors)


Treatment of underlying cause, medications to stimulate white blood cell production (growth factors)

Public Health and Patient Perspectives


Low levels of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell)

Patient Perspectives

Management of underlying causes, sometimes medications

Remember, the information provided here is intended for general knowledge purposes and may not apply to every individual case. To ensure you have accurate information relevant to your specific situation, always consult with a healthcare professional.
