Generally self-limiting; treatment focuses on symptom relief and may include measures to prevent recurrence
Canker sores, or aphthous ulcers, are painful sores that can form inside the mouth. They are usually benign and resolve on their own, but topical medications or oral rinses may help alleviate symptoms.
Painful, shallow sores that form on the inside of the mouth or along the gums
Painful sores or ulcers in the mouth
Clinical examination, exclusion of other causes
Generally good; can be recurrent with varying severity
Discomfort, difficulty eating
Often idiopathic, may be triggered by factors such as stress, injury, or certain foods
Topical treatments for pain relief, oral rinses, avoiding trigger factors
Topical treatments for pain relief, oral rinses, avoiding trigger factors
Common and benign oral ulcers
Symptomatic relief and addressing triggers are key for management
For personalized advice and care, always seek the assistance of healthcare professionals. This information is meant for general understanding and not as a replacement for professional medical advice.