Management focuses on treating the underlying cause and, in some cases, addressing symptoms
Calcinosis is the deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues, leading to the formation of hard nodules or plaques. It can occur in various conditions, including autoimmune disorders. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.
Abnormal deposition of calcium in the soft tissues
Hard nodules or lumps under the skin; may cause pain or limit joint mobility
Clinical examination, imaging studies
Variable; depends on the underlying cause and complications
Impaired joint mobility, complications of treatment
Often occurs secondary to autoimmune conditions, genetic disorders, or as a complication of other diseases
Treatment of underlying condition, medications to reduce calcium levels, sometimes surgical removal of calcified tissue
Treatment of underlying condition, medications to reduce calcium levels, sometimes surgical removal of calcified tissue
Abnormal deposition of calcium in tissues
Treatment aims at managing symptoms and addressing underlying conditions
Remember, the information provided here is intended for general knowledge purposes and may not apply to every individual case. To ensure you have accurate information relevant to your specific situation, always consult with a healthcare professional.