Often curable with appropriate treatment; addressing the underlying imbalance is key to preventing recurrence
Condition where balance of vaginal bacteria is disrupted, causing inflammation and discharge. Associated with douching and can increase risk of preterm birth and STIs if untreated.
Inflammation of the vagina often associated with an imbalance of the vaginal microbiota
Vaginal discharge, itching, discomfort
Clinical evaluation, vaginal swab, pH measurement
Generally good with appropriate treatment
Recurrent infections, impact on sexual health
Imbalance of normal vaginal bacteria
Antibiotics, probiotics, maintaining good vaginal hygiene
Antibiotics, probiotics, maintaining good vaginal hygiene
Common condition, often associated with aerobic bacteria
Emphasis on prevention, proper hygiene, and treatment adherence
For personalized advice and care, always seek the assistance of healthcare professionals. This information is meant for general understanding and not as a replacement for professional medical advice.