Usually resolves on its own or with conservative measures; surgical intervention may be needed in persistent cases
A chalazion is a painless, swollen lump or cyst on the eyelid, typically resulting from the blockage of an oil gland. It is different from a stye. Warm compresses and eyelid hygiene are common treatments, and in some cases, surgical drainage may be necessary.
Swelling or lump in the eyelid caused by the blockage of an oil gland
Eyelid swelling, redness, pain, sometimes blurred vision
Clinical examination
Favorable, typically resolves without scarring
Recurrence, potential for cosmetic concerns
Blockage of meibomian gland in the eyelid
Warm compresses, eyelid massage, antibiotic ointments, steroid injections, surgical drainage in persistent cases
Warm compresses, eyelid massage, antibiotic ointments, steroid injections, surgical drainage in persistent cases
Common, all age groups
Prompt management aids in resolution
As always, consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and care.