Management aims to relieve symptoms and improve spinal function
Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition affecting the cervical spine, leading to the wear and tear of the discs and joints. It can cause neck pain, stiffness, and neurological symptoms. Treatment may involve medications, physical therapy, or surgery in severe cases.
Degeneration of the cervical spine
Neck pain, stiffness, numbness
Clinical examination, imaging studies
Variable; depends on the severity and complications
Neck pain, neurological deficits
Aging, wear and tear on the spine
Physical therapy, medications, surgery (in severe cases)
Physical therapy, medications, surgery (in severe cases)
Degenerative changes in the cervical spine
Management focuses on symptom relief and improving function
This information serves as a general overview and does not constitute professional medical advice. Always consult with healthcare providers for accurate and personalized insights regarding your health.