Generally reversible with changes in altitude or pressure; prevention involves equalizing pressure during activities that involve pressure changes
Barotrauma refers to injuries caused by changes in pressure, often experienced during activities like scuba diving or flying. It can affect the ears, sinuses, and lungs, leading to symptoms such as ear pain, sinus pressure, and difficulty breathing. Prevention involves equalizing pressure during pressure changes. Treatment depends on the affected area and severity.
Injury caused by changes in pressure between the inside and outside of the body
Ear pain, hearing loss, sinus pain
Clinical examination, imaging studies
Generally good with proper prevention and equalization
Middle ear barotrauma, sinus barotrauma
Barometric pressure changes during activities like scuba diving or flying
Symptomatic relief, avoiding rapid pressure changes
Symptomatic relief, avoiding rapid pressure changes
Common in diving, flying, or other pressure-changing activities
Prevention measures and equalization techniques are crucial
Remember, the information provided here is intended for general knowledge purposes and may not apply to every individual case. To ensure you have accurate information relevant to your specific situation, always consult with a healthcare professional.