Treatment can correct the deficiency, and symptoms often improve with adequate vitamin C intake
Vitamin C deficiency, or scurvy, occurs when the body lacks sufficient vitamin C. Treatment involves vitamin C supplementation and dietary changes. Regular monitoring is crucial for assessing vitamin levels and managing symptoms.
Inadequate levels of vitamin C in the body
Fatigue, weakness, joint and muscle aches, scurvy (severe deficiency)
Clinical evaluation, sometimes blood tests
Generally good with appropriate management and treatment
Scurvy, complications of untreated vitamin C deficiency
Inadequate dietary intake (especially in diets lacking fruits and vegetables)
Vitamin C supplements, dietary changes
Vitamin C supplements, dietary changes
Insufficient vitamin C in the diet
Prevention and supplementation are crucial
This information serves as a general overview and does not constitute professional medical advice. Always consult with healthcare providers for accurate and personalized insights regarding your health.